Thursday, November 27, 2014

The scientific study of mind and behavior.
Including ៖
Social background
Education and
Social Psychology

  Child development
  Cognitive Psychology
  Brain function

  •   Child Development
                A close emotional bond between an infant or toddler and primary  caregiver, a strong bond being vital for the child's normal behavioral and Social development.
We know and we hear when we were on the womb while someone speaking.

  • Behaviors of attached infants and caregivers; 
          Seek proximity ( they want to stay close together ).

  • Why they keep their child closer?
          Because the children they can not care themselves.

  • Distress of separated unhappiness or upset.
  • Stranger fear: Cry afraid.
         Critical period for attachment Lorenz ( 1935 ) worked with goslings ( baby geese ). They attached to him because he was the first moving object they saw after they attached.
         Schafer and Emerson ( 1964 ) stages of development stage.

  1. Asocial stage 0-6 weeks: Baby does not mind who picks he/her up. But prefers people to objects.
  2. Indiscriminate 6 weeks to 6 or 7 months: The baby is more sociable and can recognise irs parents but there is stranger fear or separation fear.
  3. Discriminate attachment 7 to 18 months : Baby will protest if separated and will show stranger fear.
  4. Multiple attachments 10 months on wards: Baby forms attachments will other caregivers: Baby attach to the person who interacts with them and shows an interest in them ( care, play with them, cuddles them.